Monday, March 3, 2025

Convergence by Ginny Yttrup


Book Description:  Psychology professor Dr. Denilyn Rossi contends that the past is either a shadow that haunts us or a force that propels us. The choice is ours, she tells her students. What she doesn’t tell them is that her own past is a shadow she can’t seem to shake. Fear has immobilized her and is taking a costly toll.
Adelia Sanchez, however, has embraced Dr. Rossi’s teaching. She is ready to confront fear and render it powerless—using the trauma of her past to propel her to entrap the man who stalked and brutally attacked her.
As Denilyn’s past and Adelia’s present converge at the Kaweah River, a dangerous man bent on destruction threatens them both. Will he uncover the secret Deni and Adelia have fought so hard to protect?

My Thoughts:  I was SO excited to see that another book was written by Ginny Yttrup.
I love her stories!  
And this story did not disappoint.
There are two women with pasts that include alot of fear.  Two women trying to get over their past.  And both women have a secret.!  The twists and turns in this suspenseful read had me at chapter three.  It took two chapters for me to get into the story and "see" what was going on.  But I know how Mrs. Yttrup writes so I was willing to wade into the story.
Once the reader gets into the story there is no going back.  Kind of like the two women in the story...once they were in ..... in for a penny, in for a pound.
The reader is taken on a trip of sorts.  It's a thrill of suspense and a pondering of mystery.  
Loved, loved this read so much so that I read it all cover to cover in one afternoon.

  • Paperback: 320 pages
  • Publisher: Shiloh Run Press 
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1683227883

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