Thursday, May 1, 2014

100 Tough Questions about God and the Bible by Stephen M. Miller

Book Description:  Straightforward answers to questions Christians and skeptics alike ask about God and the Bible

Let's be honest--the Bible can be hard to understand. It's full of weird laws, apparent inconsistencies, and tales of a God who often doesn't do what we expect. You may have asked about some of these things and been brushed off or given trite, unconvincing answers.

But serious questions deserve thoughtful responses, especially when opinions of Bible experts clash. Stephen M. Miller pulls insight from a wide range of Bible experts to report their answers to the tough questions. He does so with a touch of humor and no preaching, allowing you to draw your own conclusions.

Questions include:

· Would a loving God really put a good man like Job through horrible suffering just to test his loyalty?

· If God knows everything, why did he test Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his own son?
· How could there be just one God, yet three?

· Since Jesus told people to turn the other cheek, why aren't more Christians pacifists?

My Thoughts:  Stephen Miller has penned an interesting and informative book on 100 Tough Questions about God and the Bible.  
I find it interesting that Mr. Miller picked 100 tough questions about the Bible to answer.  Personally, I wonder why he didn't just pick 25 or maybe 50 questions to answer from God's Word.  100!  is a lot of questions and answers about God's Word.
Stephen Miller does a great job of asking a tough question and then answering it.  For example, on page 128, #49:  "Why does the New Testament describe Samson as a hero of faith?  Almost everything he did seems driven by revenge or lust.
Then Mr. Miller goes into a short explanation, theory, or answer (whatever one may want to call it) of the question he posted.  
On this particular question, Mr. Miller does a good job of giving biblical views with biblical history to back up his answer.  Actually, he answers all the questions throughout the book with biblical understanding.
Mr. Miller does give short to the point answers/explanations.  Personally, I like this.  One can read this book quickly and then go back to a question that is important to her/him and study it out more.
This doesn't seem to be a deep, theological study of biblical details.  Yes, it is a great resource for new christians or for this who need a quick study.  
It's not a Bible study more of a Bible help.
It's a good book and no, I didn't agree with all Mr. Miller's "answers"  but I did find it interesting and thought provoking.
*(This review is based upon a copy of this book which was provided free of charge from Bethany House Publishers. These opinions are my own; I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated for this review.)*

  • Paperback: 240 pages
  • Publisher: Bethany House Publishers (April 15, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0764211625
  • ISBN-13: 978-0764211621

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