Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Significance of Holy Week . . . Deeply Loved

In conjunction with reading Deeply Loved by Keri Wyatt Kent I am writing about the significance of Holy Week.  
Holy Week is the last of week of Lent.  So, whether you participate in Lent or not, I think, it's important that all christians "experience the heart of Jesus."  Actually, Keri's book, Deeply Loved, is all about a relationship with Jesus! 
And that brings us to Holy Week: In the Christian calendar Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. During this week we are reminded to reflect upon the meaning of Jesus' death on the cross, an event that took place nearly two millennia ago at a place which still remains the epicenter of religious and political violence today.
Holy Week is meant for study and understanding.  There are many facets to Holy Week. The events that led to the execution of Jesus, and each stage bears a symbolic meaning with a certain phase of the life of Christ.

A quick synopsis of Holy Week:
Palm Sunday: Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem. Crowd proclaims him "King"
Holy Monday: The cleansing of the temple. Jesus frees the animals to be slaughtered.
Holy Tuesday: Outraged Pharisees plot to eliminate Jesus/ Mt. of Olives sermon.
Spy Wednesday: Judas agrees to betray Jesus / tells how to easily capture him.
Maundy Thursday: The Last Supper / Agony in the garden / Jesus is arrested.
Good Friday: The trial, crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus.
Holy Saturday / Black Sabbath: The Sabbath on which Jesus rested in the tomb.
Easter Sunday: The 'Resurrection' of Jesus.

Hallelujah!  He IS Risen!  Jesus Loves You! 

You are Deeply Loved!  Reading and studying Keri's devotional helped  increase my faith and helped to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus!

*This book was provided by Abingdon Press*

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