Tuesday, February 14, 2012

His Princess Love Letters from Your King by Sheri Rose Shepherd

{A great book for Valentine's Day} His Princess Love Letters from Your King by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Book Description:  This beautiful four-color book opens the eyes of women to see themselves the way God sees them. Many don't even know that they are daughters of the King - chosen to be His Princess. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, they trade in their fairy-tale dreams of being cherished for a tarnished identity fashioned by their own insecurities and the mixed-up messages of the media. Now, these tenderly adoring letters written from God's persepective demonstrate that every woman is beautiful just the way she is. Walking in confidence toward her God-given purpose, every woman can bless others - even future generations.

It's hard to look at our lives and think of ourselves as royalty. But the truth is, God is our King and wer are chosen by Him. As your soul soaks in these love letters from your King, be affirmed of who you are, why you are here, and how much you are loved.

My Review: His Princess Love Letters from Your King by Sheri Rose Shepherd is a lovely book that encourages and creates a facet of understanding between God the Father and His "princess."  
Page 56 of this faith building book states, "My Princess . . . Fill your home with peace."  Then Sheri expounds on page 57 what filling your home with peace means, "My princess, you must first learn to let Me build in you a place of peace and contentment."  This was a simply WOW moment for me!  For I want our home to be a place of peace, so I must fully trust the Father to create His peace in me, first.  Loved this passage for it spoke volumes to me!!
This book is chock full of words to His princess.  A priceless treasure, a woman of beauty from the inside out....a jewel of great price that is what being His princess is all about!
This is one of those books that makes a fantastic gift. Because every woman deserves to know that she is a gift and that she is loved!
Need a faith lifter?  Need encouragement?  Want to know more about His gift to you?  Then this is the book for you!  
*This book was provided for review by Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing*
Meet the Author: 

Best-selling Author, Speaker, Teacher, Humorist
Sheri Rose has a very refreshing way of bringing the Word of God to life. She knows how to renew the Eternal Hope in our hearts. Her speaking style is humorous, heartwarming and inspires every one to make their life count for eternity. Sheri Rose is a woman who can relate to almost any woman's battle. This former Mrs. United States grew up in a dysfunctional home and was severely overweight as a teen. As a young woman, she battled depression and an eating disorder. She understands the pain that comes from a broken home and she knows what it means to fight for freedom from your past. In spite of an English teacher telling her she was "born to lose" and a learning disorder--Dyslexia--Sheri Rose has (in God's strength) written best-selling books, founded His Princess Ministries and speaks to tens of thousands each year at churches and women's conferences like the Extraordinary Women Tour.Her Joy for the Lord, humorous heart-warming stories mixed with truth and transparency renews our Faith by reminding us how much we are truly loved and adored by our Father in heaven. Once you heard Sheri Rose speak you will never again doubt that you are..."God's Chosen Princess"... here for a divine purpose!
She lives in Southern California with her husband of 22 years and their daughter.

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