Monday, May 13, 2024

Rock Harbor Search & Rescue by Colleen Coble


Book Description:  In Rock Harbor Search and Rescue, a middle grade fiction novel based on Colleen Coble’s bestselling Rock Harbor series for adults, kids will enjoy the mixture of pets, adventure, suspense, and a mystery. 
Emily O’Reilly is obsessed with all things Search and Rescue. She volunteers with the team and goes on rescue missions with her stepmom. She is even selling homemade jewelry to save up for her own Search and Rescue puppy. But when an expensive necklace is stolen from a renowned jewelry artist at Rock Harbor’s fall festival and Emily is accused of the crime, it looks like she’ll never get her puppy and be able to join the Rock Harbor Search and Rescue team. 
Emily isn’t willing to give up on her Search and Rescue dreams that easily, and she sets out to find the real culprit and to restore her reputation. With a few suspects in mind, Emily is determined to uncover the truth, but she isn’t prepared for the secrets she and the Search and Rescue dogs sniff out in the process. This exciting mystery is filled with twists and turns that will keep readers on the edge of their seats and have them pining after a Search and Rescue puppy of their own!

My Thoughts:  I always enjoy a story written by Colleen Coble.  So, when I had the opportunity to read her new book with co-author Robin Caroll I knew it would be fantastic!
This is a youth read and I had to keep this in mind as I read about Emily, her dad, stepmom and siblings.  Emily's dad is very concerned about Emily being responsible for the jobs she takes on.  
As the story beings . . . Emily and her stepmom, Naomi,  are on a search & rescue mission when Emily is told that she can have her own search & rescue puppy if she can pay half the money ($150).  Emily then comes up with the idea to sell her homemade jewelry at the next community wide sale.  This is where the mystery "happens."
Of course, as an adult I was slightly put out with Emily's dad . . . didn't he trust her?  But then I remembered that the authors are trying to make a point with young readers that parents are there to guide and help their children.
I loved learning about search & rescue dogs and their owners with a mystery thrown in!  I kind.of knew who was behind the theft but I think younger readers will be kept guessing.  I, also, liked the idea that Emily had to pay half for the expensive dog.  A great lesson in not living the "entitled life."
This is a great read for ages 8-11 (but adults and older teens may love it too!  I did!).

  • Age Range: 8 - 11 years
  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson 
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1400321069
  • ISBN-13: 978-1400321063

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