Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund


Book Description:  Michigan, 1880

Annalisa Werner's hope for a fairy tale love is over. Her husband failed her in every way and now his death has left her with few options to save the family farm. She needs a plentiful harvest. That, and a husband to help bring it in. Someone strong, dependable. That'll be enough. A marriage for love...that's something she's given up on. So her father sends a letter to his brother in the Old Country, asking him to find Annalisa a groom. Then a man appears: Carl Richards, from their home country of Germany and a former schoolteacher--or so he says. He's looking for work and will serve on the farm until her husband arrives. With time running out, she accepts his help, but there's more to this man than he's admitting. He's also gentle, kind, charming--unlike any man she's ever known. But even as Carl is shining light into the darkness of her heart, she knows her true groom may arrive any day. 

My Thoughts:  I was intrigued by this book cover on A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund.  How many books have a handsome, noble man depicted on the book cover?!?! Hardly any that I've seen.  So, with this handsome guy peering over his shoulder, I'm wondering what this read has in store for the reader?
Annalisa Werner and her small daughter are having a hard time surviving with a husband and father who doesn't care about their well being.  Then one day Gretchen sees her Papa laying down on the ground and calls to her mama, Annalisa, to come see Papa.  Annalisa finds her husband, Hans, dead.  Well, it sure looks like someone murdered him.  But why?
This is the beginning of this intriguing story.  
The reader is told of Hans untimely death, then the story goes to the old country where Annalisa's father lives.  Without  a husband Annalisa writes to her father for help.  This is where the Noble Groom comes into the story.
Annalisa thinks she just needs a man who is dependable, she does not need love. This is a fast paced story with quite a cast of characters and romance.  Carl is a good man but is he the groom for her?
And, Oh!What!A!Story!
For the reader who enjoys a good, clean, Christian romance with a mystery.

  • Paperback: 368 pages
  • Publisher: Bethany House Publishers 
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0764210475
  • ISBN-13: 978-0764210471

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